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本文摘要:Shuai Yunyun, 21, from Shanghai University of Engineering Science found that her friends were all occupied with their smartphones during a high school friends meeting.21岁的主将芸芸(音译)来自上海工程技术大学。

Shuai Yunyun, 21, from Shanghai University of Engineering Science found that her friends were all occupied with their smartphones during a high school friends meeting.21岁的主将芸芸(音译)来自上海工程技术大学。在一次高中同学聚会上,她找到很多朋友都只想着玩游戏自己的智能手机。Or they were busy taking pictures of their meal and writing captions, before uploading them to their micro blogs. For a while, silence fell.他们要不就是不时地用手机给食物照片,加到一段解释,然后传遍微博上。

一会儿的时间,之后遭遇冷场了。“I thought that we had a lot of topics to share, but few people were fully engaged in talking,” said the sophomore. “It seemed that there’s an unbridgeable gap between me and those with hand-held devices.”“我本以为我们有许多话题要闲谈,但没有几个人专心聊天。”就读于大二年级的主将芸芸说道,“我实在自己和那些欺骗手机的同学们之间有道不能横跨的鸿沟。

”Shuai, an aviation management major, is not the only one feeling segregated from others by mobile technology.就读于航空管理专业的主将云云并非唯一一个因手机科技,而与他人间产生疏远感的人。According to a latest survey of hundreds of teenagers in Hong Kong by Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong, 54.29 percent of them would use cellphones while having dinner with their families. It has affected relationships with their parents.根据香港民主辟港协入联盟最近的一项调查表明,在数百名访谈的香港青少年中,有54.29%的人回应与家人用餐时会用于手机。这已影响到他们与父母之间的关系。

The New York Times published an article recently lamenting the “death of conversation”.《纽约时报》近日公开发表的一篇文章传达了对“交流对话被助长”的痛惜之情。It suggests that while technology such as cell phones, e-mails, and Internet posting make us feel more connected than ever, they’re also driving us away from people around us.该篇文章中提及,手机、e-mail和网络帖子等科技在为人们交流获取了前所未有的便捷的同时,也使得我们亲近了身边的人。Users get ultimate connectivity at the price of sacrificing face-to-face conversation.使用者们以壮烈牺牲面对面交流为代价,来获得终极的联络体验。

Sherry Turkle, author of the article in The New York Times says people are accustomed to a new way of being “alone together.”这篇刊出在《纽约时报》上的文章的作者雪莉特克称之为,人们已习惯了这种“一起寂寞”的新感受。Zhong Shunfeng, 20, a junior automation major at Southwest University, admits that he sometimes feels cut off from people by being obsessed with texting or updating blogs. He may ignore those nearest and has little interaction with them. “I then realize that it’s impolite and shows little respect,” he said. “Anyone texting in front of me while I’m talking would also embarrass me a lot.”22岁的钟顺峰(音译)就读于西南大学自动化专业大三年级,他否认自己有时不会因为沉迷于发短信和写出博客,而感觉与世隔绝。他可能会忽视最疏远的人,完全与他们零交流。

“后来我意识到这很不礼貌,过于认同他人。”他说道,“如果有人在我说出时当着我的面发短信,我也不会深感很失望。”Actually, sending text messages or writing micro blogs allows us to exchange thoughts. But bits and pieces of online connection cannot substitute for a “real conversation”.事实上,发短信或织微博给了我们交流思想的机会。

但是这种只言片语的在线交流方式无法替代“确实的聊天。”Lan Guo, 19, a freshman English major from Changsha University, said that she would like to hear people’s tone of voice and see their faces in a conversation. “The give and take of ideas in a conversation sharpens our minds,” she said. She also mentions that burying ourselves in mobile technology lessens our chance of striking up conversations with strangers and meeting people.19岁的蓝国(音译)是来自长沙大学英语专业的大一新生。她说道她更喜欢在聊天中倾听别人的声音,看见他们的面孔。

“聊天中思想上的施予不受需要磨砺我们的心智。”她说道,同时她也提及,几乎沉浸于在手机世界之中中,不会增加我们的与陌生人聊天并结识朋友的机会。Turkle mentioned the popular idea of “I share, therefore I am” among this generation.特克提及在“当今一代”中普遍存在“我共享,故我在”的思想。

Liu Xuan, a young Taiwan writer and psychology graduate from Harvard University, thinks it’s a mindset adopted by a large proportion of young people. They are so busy creating or polishing their online persona that they forget how to live a real life.“For example, they may care more about tweeting about attending a party rather than enjoying being there.”毕业于哈佛大学心理学专业的台湾青年作家刘轩指出,这是大部分年轻人所持有人一种心态。他们如此无暇创立并完备个人的网络人格,以至于忘了如何去现实的生活。

“例如,他们更加不愿在网上公布有关参与舞会的微博,而并非讨厌睡在那里。”However, experts remind us that it’s unfair to blame mobile technology.而有关专家警告我们,将此归咎于手机科技是不公平的。

Chen Chen, a sociology expert at China Youth Children Research Center, points out that, it is still gadget owners who’re shunning personal contact.来自中国青年研究中心的社会学专家陈晨认为,却是是这些通讯设备的使用者正在规避人际交往。We avail ourselves of these devices to hide ourselves from others. Texting or calling may be an excuse to avoid contact with others, such as having eye contact. “The way to enhance conversation is by understanding each other. Simply throwing away the mobile gadgets is not a solution,” she said.我们利用这些设备,将自己隐蔽一起,不想他人看见。短信或电话也许已沦为了我们规避与他人展开眼神交流等认识方式的借口。




